What living in Spain is all about

When making plans for this weekend my fiance told me to take my Ducati out for a ride. Lately, I kind of lost interest in making day-rides and coffee-trips and I have only been riding to work. I think it is the turning back that bothers me, I just want to continue riding. I’m ready for a new tour, a ride with a destination, far away.

Out and about
Out and about

Anyway, my fiance rarely tells me what to do so I thought, why not listen to him? Of course, he was right. The weather was lovely and this is one thing I certainly could not have done if I lived in Sweden, not for months to come. This is, after all, why I moved to Spain, and shame to not take advantage.


A distant view of Manzanares el Real
A distant view of Manzanares el Real

I stopped in a few places to take pictures and enjoy the view. I still have some problems with my legs and I certainly want to pace myself and make sure to take breaks often so the problems don’t increase. The idea of changing bike is starting to grow now, let it grow slowly, I hope to ride yet another year with my Monster.

the wounders of carretera de Hoyo de Manzanares
the wonders of carretera de Hoyo de Manzanares

These are views that I, for sure, would not see in Sweden. But I’m certain the view would be just as beautiful if seen from another bike.