the Ducatistas

Last Thursday I finally pulled myself together and went for a “desmocaña” with the Ducatistas in Madrid. Actually, it was not just a beer but a dinner, at half past 9 in the evening and more than that, it was a dinner in honour of a friend who had been killed in an accident. If I had understood all that I probably wouldn’t have signed up since meeting a lot of new people at the same time makes me nervous enough. Quite fortunate in that respect that my Spanish is still so bad, because I had a very good time. We had been asked to be merry and positive to commemorate this rider with good spirit. So despite the reason for the gathering the dinner was very nice and food superb.

todos somos ducatistas
todos somos ducatistas

The event was, in a way, very different from the meetings I’m used to from the Swedish Ducati Club in Gothenburg, were we meet for coffee at 7 in the evening. A dinner like this would never be scheduled in the middle of the week, Swedes don’t do things like that. When it came to the subjects discussed though, it was indeed very much the same. It is a nice way to rest my brain from thinking of education and rather just focus on motorcycles, which after all is the most important thing in my life.

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I'm a passionate biker from Sweden. I love to travel, preferably on my motorcycle. Please let me know what you think of my blog! Post a comment or send an e-mail:

2 thoughts on “the Ducatistas”

  1. Hi,

    I like your website, nice stories to read!
    Hope your foot is better now.
    greatings from Anthony The Netherlands
