666 is the number of the beast

The distance from Andorra de la Vella to Madrid
The distance from Andorra de la Vella to Madrid

In this case the beast is Lazy Cat and 666 km is the distance travelled on the last day of my road trip. It was a long day, a proper full day’s ride and it was beautiful until almost the end. The last bit though was aweful 🙂 I hate highways, somehow it is much harder to travel 100 km/hour on highways than on roads, Lazy Cat doesn’t like it either, vibrates like hell and the wind buzz is deafening when trying to keep up a bit.

A misty morning in the Pyrinees, my high-viz rainjacket served dual purposes
A misty morning in the Pyrinees, my high-viz rainjacket served dual purposes

But let’s not linger with those boring bits, I had a good time, a grand finale of my two weeks of fantastic travelling. The Pyrinees are beautiful for riding and I avoided the highway as far as possible, returning on road 211 from Lleida, the same I started on, but that seems so long ago now. I have already planned for next year to follow the Pyrinees longer until Pamplona and then ride back through Sierra de la Demanda near Burgos. I look forward to next summer already!

This Gaudi-style house looked out of place, it makes me wonder... Along road 211
This Gaudi-style house looked out of place, it makes me wonder… Along road 211

But I am happy to be home, bike is stored away due to other travelling ahead and the washing machine is spinning – un-pack and re-pack. I’m going to Japan, life is sweet!



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I'm a passionate biker from Sweden. I love to travel, preferably on my motorcycle. Please let me know what you think of my blog! Post a comment or send an e-mail: asa@forza.greynorth.net
