Birthday preparations

I have always loved my birthday. As a child growing up in Sweden I was disappointed that I could never have a garden party, the 1st of November would always be a dark and rainy day. Mind you, this was before Halloween was introduced into Sweden and autumn was a long dark wait for Christmas. As an adult, I have always tried to do something special on my birthday. When moving to Spain, I was pleased to discover that my birthday coincided with a national holiday which gave me an opportunity to travel somewhere. A couple of years I spent these days on Gran Canaria, other years we made excursions hiking somewhere around Madrid. But as far as I remember, I have never spent my birthday on a motorbike holiday and therefore I’m particularly pleased to be able to ride Lazy Cat over to Beachy Head for the race. Although the race itself is not on my actual birthday, it is on the 28th, I still see it as part of my birthday – I’m only going to turn 40 once so I might as well celebrate it properly.

Power Yoga built this body!
Power Yoga built this body!

All the preparations are completed. The training is done, mainly spinning and power yoga – since I want to be very careful with my foot, I have only done a couple of short runs per week. While this might sound nice to some, I must add here that running short distances is very difficult to me, just when I get the into the flow I must stop. The longest distance I have done in preparation is 7.5k and more often I’ve done 4 or 5k. To run the 10k on Saturday is going to be fantastic, since the course is challengingly hilly it will take a good bit longer than an hour as well. I look forward to this immensely. The kit is prepared: my favourite leggings, woollen top, jacket, waist bag for the phone – yes, this time I’m going to take pictures.

Running with cows
Running with cows

I received a birthday letter from my aunt, “Congratulations, finally grown up” it said. I’m not so sure, but I did change the brake pads on my bike today, that must count for something. But apart from that both Lazy Cat and Koneko have been serviced by a local mechanic. I can’t remember when my bike ran this smoothly last, and for Koneko all the problems with sudden power loss at top speed disappeared.

Before closing the computer and heading to bed I want to extend my deepest thanks to all of you, friends from near and far, who have donated to Pikilily on behalf of my birthday. I look forward to this birthday-weekend of riding and running – you will all be in my heart!

Lastly, there is a new video diary out from Pikilily, great progress!

All previous video diaries can be accessed from their website as well as from their Crowdfunding page, where you, of course, can make a donation.

Mitt 40-årsfirande till förmån för Pikilily

Om en månad fyller jag 40 och jag planerar ett annorlunda födelsedagsfirande. Planen är att lämna de trettio genom att helt enkelt springa in i fyrtioårsåldern – och samtidigt samla in pengar till välgörenhet. I stället för presenter och födelsedagskort önskar jag mej donationer till förmån för Claire Elsdons projekt Pikilily i Tanzania. Claire är en vän från WIMA GB som nu är bosatt i Mwanza i Tanzania. Hon arbetar för att bygga upp en motorcykelverkstad med syfte att utbilda och anställa lokala arbetslösa kvinnor som mekaniker. Claire vet vad hon pratar om – 2012 reste hon genom Afrika, på motorcykel naturligtvis, och såg med egna ögon på kunskap gällande motorcykelunderhåll. En motorcykel som inte underhålls korrekt riskerar inte bra att gå sönder utan kan bli direkt trafikfarlig. Hon ville göra något åt det och samtidigt stödja det lokala samhället genom att skapa arbetstillfällen. För mer information se Pikililys egen hemsida och Claires hemsida.

Claire är crowdfunding för att finansiera kostnaderna för att bygga och utrusta verkstaden. Hon planerar att ha fyra arbetsplatser i verkstaden och om mitt födelsedagslopp kunde hjälpa henne att finansiera en utav dessa skulle det verkligen göra min (födelse-) dag! 🙂

Varje arbetsplats behöver:

  • momentnyckelsett (stora och små) – £50
  • mikrometer (mätverktyg) – £20
  • vippindikator – £20
  • hydrauliskt bromsluftnings kitt – £30
  • domkraft – £20
  • blocknyckelsett – £20
  • hyllsnyckelsett- £50
  • kedjebrytare – £10
  • hyllenheter för förvaring av olja, reservdelar och däck – £30
  • oljetråg och tratt – £10
  • bladmått – £10
  • tång – £10
  • skruvmejselsett – £10
  • gummi hammare – £8
  • skruvstäd – £25

Därutöver behöver Pikilily följande som kommer att delas mellan arbetsplatserna:

  • två multimeter – £20 (x2)
  • en kompressor med däcktrycks tillbehör – £150
  • en hydraulisk bänk – £350

Så vad är tanken med det hela? Jo, som del i mitt födelsedagsfirande kommer jag att springa Eastbourne 10k vid Beachy Head i södra England. Även om sträckan är blygsam i jämförelse med vad jag har gjort tidigare så är bansträckningen desto mer utmanande: det är 1 mil i kuperad teräng, men med fantastiska vyer över kusten. Jag siktar inte på ett personbästa i tid utan jag vill njuta av löpningen och atmosfären samtidigt som jag närmar mej de 40 med stormsteg. Så om du tänkt skicka mej ett kort, bjuda på en drink eller ge mej en present för att markera mitt åldrande så ber jag dej istället låta de pengarna gå till Pikilily. Och om du inte hade tänkt ge mej något alls fast tycker Pikilily är ett fantastiskt projekt så är du också välkommen att donera. Du kan ge pengarna till mej direkt, eller sätta in dem på mitt Pay Pal eller bankkonto så skickar jag dem vidare till Claire på min födelsedag. (Kontakta mej för uppgifter: Om du hellre vill donera direkt till Claire så går det såklart också bra. Hon har en crowdfundingsida hos Just Giving där du kan göra din donation.

I run, therefore I am

For the last couple of years my running shoes have accompanied me on all my travels and I have done some amazing runs in different countries. At the end of the day, I find it quite nice to lace up my shoes and head out for a run, it loosens up my body and relaxes my mind. This summer I have run in England, Wales, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Sweden.

Happy finisher of the Penrith Parkrun
Happy finisher of the Penrith Parkrun

One of the highlights of my running season was the Penrith parkrun in north Wales where I, despite some troubles with my right foot, managed to complete on a – for me – average 5k time. Start and finish is inside the castle, very spectacular and the people were super friendly and slightly excited having a guest on a Swedish registered motorbike 🙂

Towards the finish line/ castle entry
Towards the finish line/castle entry

Following this, I gave my foot some rest and it seemed the problem disappeared so I slowly begun running again. I had no problems with my foot for a couple of weeks and I could run 10k or an hour without problem so I thought it was game on again. Our predicament due to the Brexit means that we are staying longer in the UK than we originally intended and to take advantage of our difficulties I started planning for a new Fundraising Marathon-challenge for my 40th birthday. I signed up for the Beachy Head Marathon, which is a recurring running event for my friends from the Sudbury Court Running Club and I felt that it would be lovely to join paths with them again. Ironically, the same day I signed up, my foot problems suddenly returned and I had to walk back from my run. This time, I blamed the asphalt and put myself on another week of rest and then slowly re-started my training. I had now promised myself to only run on trails and gravel roads – at my parents’ house in Sweden there are many good possibilities for this sort of running and I was enjoying myself immensely running different routes in the forest. Then again, during a fast paced 6k run the pain suddenly returned.  Following some reading up on the internet I prescribed myself with a month of no running, suspecting a stress fracture in a small bone in my foot. Of course, it would have been better to have seen a doctor but I didn’t have enough time left in Sweden to be able to get an appointment so this will have to do for now. Sadly, my foot has not improved as much as I had hoped and even alternative training is complicated. Therefore, today I made the decision to change my application from full marathon to the 10k. This was not an easy decision, I’m a very stubborn person and I always want to follow up all my decisions and reach my goals. However, I feel that persistence is not leading anywhere now and I have to see reason and not push my body further than it can recover. The planning for the fundraising birthday-event is still underway and if I can get fit for a 10k in my current situation it would indeed be a great achievement and I have to be pleased with that. Sometimes it is harder not to run than actually running.

Costal running at the end of a rainy day
Coastal running at the end of a rainy day